VHX was acquired by Vimeo in 2016, bringing me back into the company I had got my feet wet in the product world of NYC 10 years prior.
Design Director
Brand Design, Ads, Promotions
For the first few months after VHX was aquired, I worked on a few feature and pricing tier launches. I designed and built several landing pages, interactive ad campaigns and worked with the production team to produce video walkthroughs.
Staff Picks are renown in the Film circuit as a huge milestone for creators to receive. The original mark made in 2008 was not very versatile, so I got the pleasant task to update it!
The mark now allows for different tiers of picks and works in many sizes and settings.
More Work
Honest AccountProduct Design
ProjexorProduct Design
LKQD Web SiteMarketing Design
LKQD Brand RefreshBrand Design
Vimeo BrandBrand Design
VHX Seller InterfaceProduct Design
VHX BrandBrand Design
Vimeo Live UIProduct Design
Contact me for Contract bookings or with cute animal pics.